Arrius Pro

Helping companies sell and buy high-quality second-hand concert equipment Worldwide.

Arrius Pro

With our Worldwide network of production, rental, touring and performance centers - Arrius has a wide range of excellent deals and reach.

At Arrius Pro, we are about making the second-hand market easy for companies looking to sell or buy their second-hand concert equipment. Wether you are looking for a particular item or looking to make extra money by selling your equipment, we here at Arrius will help find the right avenue for you.


With clients and vendors all around the world we can find that item you are looking for at a great price or help you find a new home for your equipment you are looking to sell.

We're here to make your life easier, leaving you more time to focus on putting on a great show!

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Our Team

Has over a decade of making second-hand deals in this industry. We know prices, we know where to look for good deals and where to look for good buyers for your equipment. Contact us and let us see what we can do for you.